Let this September be a time of new beginnings!
In Isaiah 43:19-21, the prophet talks about new beginnings. Our Church Year calendar begins anew with the beginning of Advent, while our secular calendar begins anew with New Years Day. But for most families with small or school-age children, the REAL “new year” comes every September. The start of a new school year is a time when the whole family reflects together about the challenges faced in the past year and looks forward together to the future.
So this September could be the perfect time to begin setting aside one night a week for “Family Night.” You can find a whole bunch of ideas for “Family Night” right on this website.
And did you know that the family that EATS together builds a solid foundation together? It does! A survey was taken at the University of Chicago. Graduate students were asked where they got most of their ideas about morality and religion. The majority said “Through conversations with the family at mealtimes.” This September would be a wonderful time to begin making a more concerted effort to have meals together — parents and children eating together … now there’s a concept!