Our Mission:
Jesus said: “Go make disciples, Baptize, Teach.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
So at Holy Trinity, everything we do is to Love God, Serve Others, Reach out … that all may know Jesus Christ and become His disciples.
Our Mission Statement: We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ worshiping, making disciples and serving in his name.
Our Vision:
Becoming God’s family to bless the world.
Our Values:
We are absolutely committed to the message that God has acted on our behalf in Jesus and that through Jesus we can experience a life-transforming relationship with God. A Lutheran understanding of this Good news with a commitment to Word alone, Faith alone, and Grace alone undergirds and shapes our ministry.
We are absolutely committed to sharing the love of Christ in engaging ways with those not yet connected to Christ or His Church, and to training, equipping, and empowering transformed people of all faith levels to live out a Christ-centered life. Because lost people matter to God, we will make them the priority of our mission. We will continually seek to create an inviting climate of warmth and hospitality that welcomes all to come and hear about Jesus at their own pace.
As a congregation, Holy Trinity is Biblical, Liturgical, and Traditional.