Adult Education — Sunday Mornings and Other Times

Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is committed to a Christian education program for all ages that fosters the strengthening of faith in Christ and deepens knowledge of Christian doctrine and ethics.

Instruction is founded on the solid rock of Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. The assumption of the program is that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of God that is not to be pre-empted by modern philosophies or trends. The Confessions, collected in the Book of Concord of 1580, faithfully reflect the Church’s public interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.

In accordance with their ordination vows, the pastors regard faithful teaching to be at the core of their pastoral leadership. This commitment of pastors and people is to be reflected in the Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Bible studies, theological studies, and Confirmation program of the congregation. We pray that Christ, the Word made flesh, would keep us faithful. We praise the Holy and Blessed Trinity, One God in Three Persons, who has created, redeemed, and sanctified us. May our faith in Him be strengthened and our understanding increased.

Paraclete Adult Sunday School Class — 

Sundays at  10:30 A.M. — Meeting in Fellowship Hall by the stage
Teacher: Dr. Michael Tavella
Course begins September 16, 2018

The Study Adult Sunday School Class —

Sundays at 10:30 A.M. — Meeting in The Saints Peter and Andrew Study.
Teacher #1: Pastor Larry Guenzel
Teacher #2: Tom Schied
Pastor Larry and Tom alternate teaching different classes on the most fundamental, challenging, perplexing and deeply rewarding aspects of our relationship with God.  Watch your bulletin and the newsletter to find out who is teaching right now and what the topic is.
Course begins September 16, 2018. 

Tuesday Class — Meeting in the Fall and in the Spring

Tuesdays at 9:30 am — The Study
Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. — The Study
Teacher: Pastor Mandy Grimmer
Watch your bulletin and newsletter to learn what Pastor Mandy is teaching right now.  The 9:30 am session begins with Responsive Prayer; the 7:00 session ends with Compline.  Both sessions cover identical material.
Fall Session: Sept 11-Oct 30, 2018
Spring Session: May 7 – May 21, 2018. 

Lenten Study — Meets on Wednesdays During Lent at 9:30 am, repeated at 7:30 pm.  Watch your bulletin and newsletter to learn the topics

Theology with Bagels

Thursdays in the Fall and in the Spring.
Meets in The Saints Peter and Andrew Study at 9:30 a.m.
 Teacher: Doctor Michael Tavella

And Don’t Forget Coram Deo!

Join us this year for lively discussions of literature and living life in Coram Deo, in the presence of God. Our meetings are at 7:30 p.m. in the Saints Peter and Andrew Study, most Mondays. Please bring your own copy of the reading selection, except for the first meeting in September.Watch the Echos and the bulletin for continuing information about what we’re reading.

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